烘焙小天地Baking Paradise

Ewald 魚膠片 - 1000g Ewald Gelatine Sheet - 1000g



Ewald 魚膠片 - 1000g Ewald Gelatine Sheet - 1000g 產地/Origin: 德國 魚膠又稱明膠或吉利丁,是由動物的骨頭提煉出來,適用於凝結果凍、慕士、甜點等。 魚膠粉及魚膠片的份量為 1:1 Ewald 銀級薄魚膠片 - 由動物的結締組織中提煉萃取而成的凝結劑(素食者不適用) - 成品的口感滑嫩、室溫下會溶解 - 屬Silver等級: 1塊魚膠片為2.5g - 把魚膠片放入凍水中浸泡至軟、擠掉水份再隔水坐熱攪拌至溶解 - 一般而言魚膠片、魚膠粉為相等份量 - Ewald 獨家高科技處理程序,完全無腥味 用途: 製作啫喱糖、布甸、果凍、慕斯等口感具韌性及彈性的甜品 Leaf gelatine is simple to use - households, hotels, restaurants, the patisserie, bakeries and butchers can't do without it. Sheet Gelatin, also called Leaf Gelatin, works like granular gelatin found in your local grocery store, but in a different form. Rather than a powder, it is takes the shape of thin sheets or leaves of gelatin film. The sheets dissolve more slowly than the granulated form, but also produce a clearer gelled product. HOW TO USE SHEET/LEAF GELATIN Basic steps for using gelatin sheets: 1.Soak sheets of gelatin in a bowl of cold/iced water for 5 to 10 minutes. (Use about 1 cup/250ml of cold water per sheet.) 2. Once soft, lift sheets from the cold water. 3. Wring gently to remove excess water. 4. Add sheets to room temperature liquid called for in the recipe. Heat the mixture, stirring until the gelatin is dissolved. Do not boil or gelatin will not set. Do not add chilled liquids or mixtures to gelatin after it is dissolved or it will cause uneven setting.

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